CIJ Insights for Life — Kids and Teens
is a powerful course created to help them discover their unique talents, learn valuable tools and self-empowerment techniques that prepare them for success at school and in life.

Kids and Teens today have it HARD! There is so much pulling on their atten­tion dai­ly, from tech­nol­o­gy, school, after-school activ­i­ties and house­hold respon­si­bil­i­ties! And with the rise in cyber-bul­ly­ing and bul­ly­ing in gen­er­al, we have to equip our Youth with the tools to allow them to main­tain moti­va­tion, pos­i­tiv­i­ty and feel­ings of self-worth DESPITE the obsta­cles thrown at them DAILY!

Based upon method­ol­o­gy first taught at Stan­ford University’s famed Cre­ativ­i­ty in Busi­ness Course (CIB), the 8 week pro­gram is designed to take kids and teens on a pro­found jour­ney into unearthing their CREATIVITY, tap­ping into their PURPOSE, and there­by ACTIVATING their full potential.

Trans­for­ma­tion­al Coach,
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Diplomat

The CIJ Insights for Life Teaches You How To:


Passions & Purpose

Iden­ti­fy and awak­en your cre­ative pas­sions and authen­tic purpose

Relationship With You

Learn how to be hap­py and compassionate

Breakthrough Thinking

Inspires inno­v­a­tive prob­lem-solv­ing and break­through think­ing to find solu­tions to problems


Improves com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills that breeds self-con­fi­dence stand­ing up to pear pressure/bullying, and pro­vides new access to bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate with fam­i­ly and friends.

Focus & Attenton

Pro­vides mind­ful­ness Tools to cul­ti­vate focus and atten­ton for bet­ter results in academics.

CIJ for Kids & Teens — Insight for Life

When: Feb 22, 2023 — April 12, 2023
― Tues­days 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm SOLD OUT
Loca­tion: BHI Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter. 10 peo­ple – max. 24

Book a place

The first 4 weeks focus on build­ing a foun­da­tion of essen­tial tools:

  • WEEK 1: Faith in Your Own Cre­ativ­i­ty – Cul­ti­vat­ing Creativity
  • WEEK 2: Absence of Judg­ment (Anti Bul­ly work) Cul­ti­vat­ing Confidence
  • WEEK 3: Mind­ful­ness – Cul­ti­vat­ing Focus and Attention
  • WEEK 4: Pow­er­ful Ques­tions – Cul­ti­vat­ing Intuition

The next 4 weeks focus on apply­ing these tools to gen­er­al school/life challenges:

  • WEEK 5: Pur­pose and Vision – Cul­ti­vat­ing Gifts and Talents
  • WEEK 6: Time Man­age­ment – Cul­ti­vat­ing Organization
  • WEEK 7: Rela­tion­ships – Cul­ti­vat­ing Compassion
  • WEEK 8: Bring­ing Your Cre­ativ­i­ty and Vision into the world- Cul­ti­vat­ing Courage

The next 4 In addi­tion to the spe­cif­ic week­ly top­ics, the pro­gram is orga­nized around 2 themes:

  • Dis­cov­er­ing your­self, your cre­ative resources and your high­est potential
  • Apply­ing cre­ativ­i­ty and mind­ful­ness to progress in both aca­d­e­mics, sports, and in life.

The pro­gram cul­mi­nates with a pow­er­ful last class that has each stu­dent tap into their great­est cre­ative resources.

Here is what the science says, according to TIME MAGAZINE, about the effects of mindfulness on children in the September 2016 Special Issue

Fourth and fifth graders who par­tic­i­pat­ed in a mind­ful­ness and kind­ness pro­gram showed bet­ter social behav­ior than their peers and were less aggres­sive and bet­ter liked.

The mind­ful group had math scores 15% high­er than their peers’. In a sep­a­rate study 41% of med­i­tat­ing mid­dle school aged kids gained at least one lev­el in math on state stan­dard­ized test.

Even third graders can get Zen. Eight weeks of mind­ful­ness and yoga result­ed in few­er ADHD symp­toms and less hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty- and the effects last­ed for months after the pro­gram ended.

Three years after a med­i­ta­tion pro­gram was imple­ment­ed at a trou­bled mid­dle school; sus­pen­sion rates dropped from 28% to 4% and teacher turnover plummeted.

At a school in Rich­mond, CA teach­ers report­ed bet­ter focus, self-con­trol, class par­tic­i­pa­tion and peer respect in kids who fol­lowed a mind­ful­ness pro­gram, com­pared with their lev­els before the program.

Just 9 lessons of a mind­ful­ness pro­gram led to low­er depres­sion scores, less stress and improved well being in British kids ages 12–16, com­pared with stu­dents who didn’t par­tic­i­pate in the program

All events for kids and teens

Sor­ry, but I do not offer any cours­es now. Please, leave your email to stay up with my upcom­ing events.

Let’s Start Your Insight Journey

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Bea­ta at (786) 558‑3349 or order a COMPLIMENTARY CLARITY CALL.

Com­pli­men­ta­ry Clar­i­ty Call