Soul Purpose
My ‘soul purpose’ is to inspire people to live to their highest potential. To motivate them and support them so they can go from where they are to where they want to be. My life experience, vast professional background and training have prepared me for the work I do. I found my purpose and I follow it with passion and dedication. Living with purpose drives us, unites us, and makes everything fall into place. But to follow it you first must find it. Do you know what is yours?
American Dream
I like to think of my life as “An American Dream.” I landed in America in my early 20s by pure coincidence, with just a backpack and $200 in my pocket. My loving family and friends stayed behind the iron curtain in, at that time, communist Poland. I came to America to perfect my English, but I also wanted to prove to myself that I could do it on my own in a strange land. I wanted to take up the challenge of creating my own life from a new beginning.
When we ask kids to tell us whom they want to be when they grow up they often mention jobs familiar to them. I said: “traveler.” Today I know that 7‑year-old girl with long braids who gave that answer long ago was right. My life is a journey and today I want to take you on that voyage with me. We may not travel to far-away lands but we will travel to the depths of our being. I shall take you by the hand and lead you through 8 weeks of a CIJ Clarity Catalyst Course that will uncover who you are and define your purpose.
CIJ Clarity Catalyst
The CIJ Clarity Course formerly Creative Insight Journey (CIJ) found me in 2015, again as a coincidence. It seemed the universe was sending me serendipitous messages, so given the right timing and circumstance I became a student of CIJ. During one of the classes I realized that the purpose I was yearning for was influencing and motivating others and I knew that this was the meaningful course I wanted to teach and share. I became a licensed CIJ transformational coach for adults and kids.
My passion was always about working with people. Although my professional accomplishments rank high, I still yearned for something more meaningful with essence and purpose. I have been blessed with wonderful family and friends that mean the world to me, yet I still wanted a deeper impact and exchange with fellow human beings.
It is through CIJ Clarity Catalyst Course that I can touch and inspire other lives the most. I get to lead my students through breakthroughs and help them clarify and shift their lives. I get to see their lives changing, their creativity illuminated and see obstacles removed that prevented them from living their life to the fullest potential. I witness their courage in taking this journey in spite of their fears. And I get to see them embrace the joys of being alive.
Just as I did through the brilliantly designed CIJ Clarity Catalyst Course, you will restore a sense of peace, become who you really are, and feel passion, fulfillment and empowerment. The journey will take you far beyond what you have imagined. Embrace this moment to take action, reimagine your life, and reimagine you.