Clarity. Courage. Creativity. Focus. Joy.
Inspiration. Insight. Intuition. Illumination.

This course shift­ed my life
This course gave me clarity
This course showed me my purpose
This course trans­formed thou­sands of lives
I would love to share it with you

You are here. But where are you going? And how are you going to get there? You could use a LifeMap and a chance to con­nect with oth­ers on the jour­ney. Dis­cov­er your next step into the Cre­ative Insight Jour­ney. No tick­ets or lug­gage nec­es­sary. Just yourself.

You’ll be guid­ed through insight­ful activ­i­ties, per­son­al reflec­tion and thought­ful con­ver­sa­tions. It’s time to spark a new per­spec­tive, dream big and get on track to a life you’ll love, the life you will create.

Trans­for­ma­tion­al Coach,
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Diplomat

Imagine yourself 8 weeks from now

What if… in 8 weeks you could have a break­through in your per­son­al life, career, rela­tion­ship or busi­ness? You look in the mir­ror and you are beam­ing, in awe of your­self. Why? You have shift­ed your life!
You made vital changes, some sub­tle, some bold, which trans­form your per­son­al expe­ri­ence. You are proud of the life re-imag­ined that you cre­at­ed and the unlim­it­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties that stand before you

The CIJ Clar­i­ty Cat­a­lyst Course is a proven, state-of-the-art method­ol­o­gy based on the Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Master’s Degree Course: Cre­ativ­i­ty in Busi­ness, which has rev­o­lu­tion­ized the art of success.

Whether you are at a cross­roads in life, a job change, a life tran­si­tion, or sim­ply stuck in some areas of your life, this course is filled with prac­ti­cal tools and pow­er­ful tech­niques that will ignite self-dis­cov­ery, awak­en per­son­al insight, and empow­er you to step ful­ly into the life you desire!

The CIJ Clar­i­ty Cat­a­lyst Teach­es You How To:


Passions & Purpose

Iden­ti­fy and awak­en your cre­ative pas­sions and authen­tic pur­pose in life.

Next chapter in your life

Get clear about how you want to design the next excit­ing chap­ter in your life

Silence inner critic

Dis­cov­er how to silence your inner critic


Increase your self-con­fi­dence and cul­ti­vate your intuition

Eliminate stress

Cre­ate a new rela­tion­ship with time…one that elim­i­nates stress

Communication skills

Devel­op pow­er­ful lis­ten­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills

Peace and balance

Bring new found peace and bal­ance into your life, rid of fear and anxiety

Take action

Take action in your life instead of just talk­ing about mak­ing changes and nev­er doing any­thing about it

Join the thou­sands of oth­ers who have shift­ed from where they were to where they want­ed to be!

Speakers and supporters of the CIJ Clarity Catalyst

(for­mer­ly called Per­son­al Cre­ativ­i­ty in Busi­ness at Stan­ford University)

Steve Jobs

Co-founder, Apple Computer

Charles Schwab

Founder & CEO, Charles Schwab & Co.

Michael Gould

Founder & President, The Learning Tree Open University

Philip Knight

Founder & CEO, Nike, Inc

Jim Collins

Author of “Good to Great”

Ken Oshman

Co-founder & CEO, IBM Corp

Krista Brunson

Producer, The Today Show on NBC

Jennifer Grace

Hay House Author and Radio Host

The CIJ Clarity Catalyst is designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be


The course is designed to take you on a pro­found jour­ney with­in, into your authen­tic self, tap­ping into intu­ition, defin­ing your pur­pose, and ele­vat­ing you into your high­est potential.

The CIJ Clar­i­ty Cat­a­lyst is designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be. It will cov­er one top­ic per week for a peri­od of 8 weeks (1 class per week). You will learn and apply tech­niques from the most trans­for­ma­tion­al course at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty taught for over 30 years in the US and recent­ly internationally.

As a CIJ Clar­i­ty Cat­a­lyst mas­ter train­er, I will guide you through the devel­op­ment of a vision, plan and action around your goals and challenges.

CIJ Clarity Catalyst

When: Feb 25- April 22
― Tues­days 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Loca­tion: BHI Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter. 10 peo­ple – max. 24

Book a place

The first 4 weeks are spent on build­ing a foun­da­tion in essen­tial tools for creativity:

  • WEEK 1: Faith in Your Own Creativity
  • WEEK 2: Absence of Judgment
  • WEEK 3: Mindfulness
  • WEEK 4: Pow­er­ful Questions

The next 4 weeks are spent on going more deeply into the tools as you apply them to four gen­er­al life challenges:

  • Week 5: Pur­pose and Vision
  • Week 6: Time and Stress
  • Week 7: Relationships
  • Week 8: Pros­per­i­ty, Self-Worth and Cre­ativ­i­ty in your world

Join the thou­sands of oth­ers who have shift­ed from where they were to where they want­ed to be!

All events for adults

CIJ Clarity Catalyst Course

When: Feb­ru­ary 25, 2025 — April 22, 2025
― 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Where: Loca­tion: BHI Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter. 10 peo­ple – max. 24

Let’s Start Your Insight Journey

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Bea­ta at (305) 498‑3456

Com­pli­men­ta­ry Clar­i­ty Call